Chronic Pain Anonymous Phone Intergroup

Monthly Events
Speaker Meeting
Third Saturday of each month at 5:00 - 6:15pm EST.
Phone number is: 1-667-770-1484 & access code is 698401#.
If you try to call in and keep getting a busy signal:
Text HELP to the dial-in number (1-667-770-1484). They will reply with an alternate number you can use.
For callers who only have a land line: Call or talk to someone who has a cell phone. Ask them to text HELP to the dial-in number and then give you the alternate number provided.
Speaker and Event Recordings
You can listen to recorded talks by clicking the recordings below. You can also listen to the most recent recording by telephone. For telephone instructions scroll to the bottom of this webpage.
Speaker meeting recordings - for CPA use only:
For older recordings:
o Workshops from 2017
o Speakers from 2018 to 2020
Click here: Older recordings
CPA Speaker Mtg 10/15/22 - Jessa
Click here to listen: Jessa
Listening to the recordings by telephone:
You can call any time & the phone service will play for you the most recent recording:
Dial-in number: 1-667-770-1491
Access code: 698401#