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CPA Phone Meetings

Phone number: 667-770-1484

Access code: 698401#


Alternate number:

If the main number doesn't work for you, try the alternate number:

Dial 1-559-546-1400. When it asks you to enter the dial-in number plus #, enter 667-770-1484#. Then when it asks for the access code plus #, enter 698401#.


Calling on a cell phone: If you keep getting a busy signal:

Text HELP to the dial-in number (667-770-1484). They will reply with an alternate number you can use.


Smartphone app:

If you have a smartphone, you can connect to the meetings for free over the internet, by using the free smartphone app.

The phone service also offers international dial-in numbers.

See the "What's New" page for more info.


See Meeting times below. If the Meeting runs to 15 after the hour, AND there is a business meeting: The meeting will end at the top of the hour.


See Events page for information about monthly speaker meetings & special events.


Meeting Times

Meeting Formats

Business Mtg Formats

Monday Womens Meeting 7:00 pm ET

6:30pm - 7:45

Monday Mens Meeting

8:30pm - 9:30pm  ET

Tuesday Afternoon Meeting

3:00pm - 4:00pm ET

Wednesday  Night Meeting

8:00pm - 9:15 pm ET

Thursday Night Meeting

8:00pm - (9:00-9:15 pm) ET

Friday Afternoon Meeting

2:00pm - 3:15 pm ET

Saturday Afternoon Meeting

2:00pm - 3:15pm ET

Sunday Afternoon Meeting

2:00pm - 3:15pm ET

Monthly Speaker Meeting 3rd Saturday

5:00pm - 6:15pm ET

Holiday Meetings

*See Holiday Tab for Meeting Times

Standard Readings for Meetings

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